Prioritized Labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.

Other Labels

  • ⚫ Feature request
    CiviCRM / Useful Dashlets
  • ⚫ UI/UX
    CiviCRM / Useful Dashlets
  • ⚫ Wording/i18n/L10n
    CiviCRM / Useful Dashlets
  • ➡ Doing
    CiviCRM / Useful Dashlets
  • ➡ To Do
    CiviCRM / Useful Dashlets
  • ➡ To Test
    CiviCRM / Useful Dashlets
  • ➡ ToDesign
    CiviCRM / Useful Dashlets
  • ⬆ Bug
    CiviCRM / Useful Dashlets
  • ⬆ Critique
    CiviCRM / Useful Dashlets
  • ⬆ Majeur
    CiviCRM / Useful Dashlets